Here are some comics and comic related projects I've completed or are currently working on at the moment, some inspired by life and stories I've learnt to commissioned pieces.
If you're interested in creating comics even if they are short stories you can download my storyboarding draft sheet, I created my own after failing to find anything online that suited the drafting process I follow.
Current Works
Here are two projects that are currently in the process of being completed
The Battle of Mam
Coming 2022
The Battle of Mam is based closely on a West Wales story from 1797 of the village of Fish Guard, where the last battle of Britain ever happened when the French navy at the time commanded by Napoleon took a detour to West Wales after changing their plan of attacking Bristol in assumption the Welsh would assist them in distracting their English Neighbours in efforts on taking Ireland. 
After arriving in Fish Guard and getting a little merry on some wine they had found, the woman of the village had had enough and decided to teach the french invaders a lesson. Led by a local woman called Jamima Nicholas the woman imprisoned the french in the Old Oak pub and in doing so the last peace treaty on British soil was signed.
Don't be a stranger
I'm available on many social networks and creative websites where you can see other examples of my work and to get more connected with me, feel free to follow me on any of these platforms and please reach out, I love hearing feedback about my works, I also have some illustrative and photography prints available on my Etsy store if you would like to see what's up for sale